What's new in UFO world ?

Mysterious monolith appears on Welsh hilltop - 12 March 2024

The gleaming, silver structure was spotted by walkers on Hay Bluff, near the town of Hay-on-Wye on the weekend.

Sprouting up out of the mud and measuring about 10ft (3m) tall, its discovery has led many to take to social media to question who put it there and why.

Some have pondered whether or not the object could be of extra-terrestrial origin.

Local builder Craig Muir said he was "taken aback" when he spotted what he assumed was "some sort of a UFO" while out hiking.

"It seemed like a very fine metallic almost like a surgical steel," he said, describing the monolith, a large single upright block usually made of stone.

Since there is no way to drive up to the top of the hill, Mr Muir suggested it could have been taken there by a group of people or dropped into position from a helicopter.

"It didn't seem like it was chucked in there, instead it has been accurately put in the ground," he said.

"However, there were no obvious tracks around it and one would think that something like that would cause a lot of mess."

This is not the first sighting of a mystery monolith. In November 2020, a monolith was spotted by people aboard a helicopter in the remote Utah desert in the USA, before disappearing days later.

Just days after its disappearance, another monolith appeared on the Isle of Wight.

Similar structures have been seen in Cornwall, and a few isolated parts of Europe.

UFOs and aliens bring a divided US Congress together - 26 July 2023

If the truth is out there, the US Congress wants to know.

The House of Representatives convened a landmark panel on unidentified anomalous phenomenon (UAPs), known more colloquially as UFOs, on Wednesday, in the most serious acknowledgement yet that mysterious sightings deserve scrutiny at the highest levels of government.

US lawmakers were "not bringing little green men or flying saucers into the hearing, we're just going to get to the facts," Republican Tim Burchett said at the beginning of the meeting. Yet the testimony at times strayed into the unknown.

Over the course of two hours, three witnesses shared their encounters with objects that defied physics and told of pilots afraid to speak up, biological material recovered from crafts, and alleged retaliation against whistleblowers. All acknowledged that anomalous phenomena were a potential national security threat.

The hearing produced no serious bombshells - nor a confirmation of alien life - but the fact that the witnesses received a major hearing before Congress was notable in and of itself. Lawmakers and witnesses alike used the panel to demand greater transparency around UAPs from the military.

The truth is out there: Pentagon receives hundreds of UFO reports - 17 December 2022

A new Pentagon office set up to track reports of unidentified flying objects has received "several hundreds" of new reports, but no evidence so far of alien life, according to the agency officials.

The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) was set up in July and is responsible for not only tracking unidentified objects in the sky, but also underwater or in space -- or potentially an object that has the ability to move from one domain to the next.

The office was established following more than a year of attention on unidentified flying objects that military pilots have observed but have sometimes been reluctant to report due to fear of stigma.

US intelligence agencies said between 2004 and 2021 there were 144 such encounters, 80 of which were captured on multiple sensors.

Since then, "we've had lots more reporting" said anomaly office director Sean Kirkpatrick. When asked to quantify the amount, Kirkpatrick said "several hundreds."

An updated report with specific figures on new reports is expected by the end of the year.